If you require help with quotes or any production solutions, we are available in New York, Georgia & Los Angeles, Ameria, Paris, France & London, United Kindom for direct phone assistance.
Joseph Braff
Sales Director Eastern N. America

81 Esopus Avenue
Ulster Park, NY 12487
Cell: +1 914 413-1743
E-mail: jbraff@changjianghk.com
Stephen Brockett
Sales Director Southern N. America

355 Savannah Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
Cell: +1 917 391-9497
E-mail: stebrock@yahoo.com
Rodney Gooden
Sales Director Western N. America

2613 W 81st Street
Inglewood, CA 90305
Cell: +1 213 308-1933
E-mail: rodney.gooden@changjianghk.com
Florent Verlet
Paris, France

Boite Postale 05 Tour CIT Montparnasse 3
rue de I'Arrivée 75749 Paris Cedex 15 France
Cell: +33-6 0968 4838
E-mail: florent.verlet@changjianghk.com
For accuracy, reference and convenience, e-mail is the preferred method of communication.
For general assistance or if you need to contact a particular individual, please send email to info@changjianghk.com
Headquarters Office
Chang Jiang Printing Media Co., Ltd.
Room 1701, 17/F., Cheung Tat Centre
18 Cheung Lee Street
Chai Wan
Hong Kong
Tel:  +852 2339 0200
Fax: +852 2339 0809